A downloadable game for Windows

A game for My First Game Jam: Summer 2023.

The theme of the game jam was "Cycles" which we implemented with a cool gun that shoots cyclic waves to kill enemies and solve puzzles with. 


Roadie.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

# This Readme is dedicated to caffeine

## Controls

Press WASD to walk.

Press Space to Jump.

Aim with your cursor.

Left click to shoot.

Scroll mouse wheel up/down to change amplitude of your laser.

There is no crouch mechanic. There never was one (!)

You actually need to jump the ladder up, as we had no time to implement a proper mechanic.

This game has a story.

But we won't tell you what it is.

Don't die. 


## Known Bug

Sometimes you might deactivate an activated button when switching to a different wave and shooting, regardless of direction.

Aim away from the buttons before releasing the mouse button to get around this bug.

## Learnings

Reduce scope - then expand.

Add a buffer to your time table when working with Unity.

Don't go into deep detail when the first level is made out of two blocks.

At some point, caffeine doesn't work anymore.

.. After a certain point it works again.

Nach müde kommt dumm.

## Credits

### Visual Assets

Warped City and Warped City 2 by ANSIMUZ on the Unity Store.

Cyberpunk Scifi Pixel Art Pack by mowen88 on itch.io.

### Audio Assets

DavidKBD: https://davidkbd.itch.io/electric-pulse-synthwave-retro-futuristic-music-pack

prunus productions: https://prunusproductions.itch.io/scifi-sound-pack

nox-sound: https://nox-sound.itch.io/essentials-series-sfx-nox-sound

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